
Interview with Dr. Hiroki Takeda by Isabel Harkins (1/3)

This is the 1st part of an interview with Dr. Hiroki Takeda by Isabel Harkins. Isabel is an Oscar-awarded makeup artist, who has personally known Dr. Takeda for years.

Isabel Harkins:

Interview with Dr. Hiroki Takeda by Isabel Harkins (2/3)

Interview with Dr. Hiroki Takeda by Isabel Harkins (3/3)

An essential technique for efficient acupuncture treatments

Have you experienced relief from your symptom after some treatment but your discomfort came back in a few days or so? If yes, do you know why it did? Even though there can be various possible reasons, one of the key factors here is this: your body got its own natural healing power increased at first from the treatment but the power faded away as time went by.

Theoretically, if you can keep your natural healing power on all the time, you are supposed to be able to enjoy your great health always except for some inevitable accidents. This is actually what enthusiastic healthcare professionals eagerly seek. However, it is not something commonly seen out there. In fact, considering the fact that so many people line up at hospitals every day, it is probably safe to say it is extremely rare.

But, do not give up. There is a key to realizing the ideal state of your health. The key is “the absolute major” in your body. Before dive into it, I will explain the terms “major” and ”minor” used in healthcare settings.

These terms refer to connections between different parts of...



The classical Chinese medicine theory was imported from China to Japan more than 1000 years ago and it has been cultivated and refined in a special way in the Japanese culture since then, which bearded a fruit of the Japanese Meridian Therapy Acupuncture (JMTA). It is fundamentally based on the Chinese classics such as Nan-Jing and Huang-Di-Nei-Jing with the essence of sophisticated Japanese culture, which manifests in the theory and the techniques.


The basic idea of JMTA is to balance the energy of the life based on the five element theory of the Chinese medicine (CM). The main difference between JMTA and CM is that JMTA emphasis more on perceiving what is actually going on the patient at each moment during the session and flexibly adjusting the techniques according the manifestations of the energy balance of the patient.


JMTA uses various techniques, including the following: contact needling, moxibustion (a heat therapy with dried refined herb), superficial needle insertion, middle needle insertion, deep insertion, short...


"Acupuncture" is a translated English word from the Chinese and the Japanese term "鍼灸" -"Jing jiu" (Chinese) and "Shin Kyu"(Japanese). It is important to pay attention the fact that the Chinese character term "鍼灸" consists of two words:"鍼" and "灸", which mean "Needle" and "Moxa" respectively. Moxa is name of a herb used in the treatment technique called "moxibustion", which is a heat therapy using Moxa. On the other hand, the term "acupuncture" consists of "acu" and "puncture". You can see some differences in the true meanings between the original term of acupuncture "鍼灸" and the English word "acupuncture". These differences raise two important points regarding acupuncture.

First, it is worth pointing out that the English term "acupuncture" gives you an impression of focusing on a point on your skin and puncturing it. It is probably safe to imagine many English-speaking people assume they always get punctured their skin with needles when receiving acupuncture treatments. However, the original term of acupuncture "鍼灸" does not include a meaning of puncturing the skin. In...
