Mission & About

"We seek to listen, to understand, and then address your pain at its source with compassion and confidence"

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Takeda Holism and Evolution has a mission to relieve patients from severe pain and suffering from the root, by using highly effective traditional Japanese healing techniques with a solid scientific foundation, which no other clinics in the US provide.

Our approaches are completely different from regular alternative medicines, including standard acupuncture. Dr. Hiroki Takeda has privately trained in Japan with healing masters and continues to cultivate his practice.

Thanks to hard work and an abiding passion for helping those around us, we are privileged to offer our effective healing techniques to people throughout Santa Fe and Albuquerque. We seek to listen, to understand, and then to gently address pain at its source. We’ve seen the impacts of Japanese healing techniques for ourselves, and we firmly believe that expensive band-aid solutions such as pills and surgeries that simply mask dysfunction are not the answer for various medical conditions, except for emergent life-threatening cases. That is why we seek to solve discomfort from the root up for your pains and sufferings that have not been addressed with other approaches.

Japanese healing traditions have long been shrouded in mystery, but thanks to the opportunities of training with the masters and recent findings in medical science, we can pull back the veil and empower clients of all ages to truly thrive in their minds and bodies. There’s no reason to be hampered by pain, inflammation, and stress when we have kind, effective solutions. Schedule a consultation with us today.

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Meet the Doctor

Privileged to offer time-tested methods, Dr. Hiroki Takeda opens the door to his holistic healing techniques for anyone in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. He genuinely believes that you can thrive in the body you have — sometimes, it just takes a little guidance and support to get there. No matter where you are on your life’s journey, visit him and experience the benefits that patients in Japan have enjoyed for centuries.


Dr. Hiroki Takeda

Founder / Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Dr. Hiroki Takeda is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, who specializes in Traditional Japanese and Chinese Medicine with a science background.

​Dr. Takeda was born and raised in Japan. After suffering for years with a chronic disease and standard treatment methods failing, he decided to research alternative methods of healing in the 1990s. Alternative Medicine quickly became a passion, which he studied for many years and eventually led to his health recovery. With this experience, he decided to become a medical professional to share the knowledge and experience gained.

​After receiving a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Waseda University in Tokyo, one of the top institutes in Japan, he moved to Santa Fe, NM to practice as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. He received a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College (SWAC). He was awarded scholarships from both institutions for outstanding academic achievements: the Okuma Memorial Scholarship (Waseda University) and the Gentle Tiger Scholarship (SWAC).

​After graduation, Dr. Takeda continually has been seeking intensive private training in Japan on a regular basis for over a decade. He learned directly from several Japanese master acupuncturists, including Haruki Yoshida, Gen-an Kuzuno, Makoto Yoshino, Masatoshi Yoshino, and Kazuto Miyawaki.

As a practitioner, ​Dr. Takeda founded TAKEDA HOLISM AND EVOLUTION, a holistic alternative medicine center.

Dr. Takeda is also a professor at Southwest Acupuncture College, a guest faculty member of University of New Mexico (UNM), College of Pharmacy; an invited lecturer of Roseman University of Health Science, College of Pharmacy, Henderson, NV, and South Jordan, UT; and has been a lecturer of complementary and alternative medicine course at UNM since 2014.

​Besides being a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Dr. Takeda has practiced Qi Gong and yoga for 30 years and is also a pianist, a violinist, an artist, and a competitive long-distance runner. (Click here to view his personal YouTube channel: Piano and Violin)

Dr. Takeda invites you to restore your energies with his professional healing methods. As an experienced Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico, he can guide you through all the depths of alternative healing.