
 WE STRIVE FOR "THE BEST OF THE BESTS" FOR YOU- Your neck pain can be teated best with acupuncture, but your back pain can be treated best with bodywork. Now, how can you chose? With our special treatment  system, we can precisely select the best modality for you. "The best customized integration of the five treatment modalities provided only here at Takeda Holism and Evolution

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"Experience the difference"       Authentic Japanese medicine by Japanese doctor 

Our signature techniques are established through the dedicated clinical experiences of Japanese master practitioners and their thorough research on Japanese and Chinese medical traditions, modern medicine, and biophysics. They are provided only at Takeda Holism and Evolution in the U.S.

Carrying ancient, proven Japanese methods straight from the source to your treatment room, Dr. Takeda and the rest of the Takeda Holism and Evolution team are on a mission to help you thrive. We believe that you have the right to comfort and freedom from pain, which is why we’ve trained with Japanese experts who have been bringing people relief for centuries. The only place outside of Japan where you’ll find these long-concealed techniques is right here.

Our Treatment Techniques

Our Comprehensive Approach to Your Pain and Stress Relief

The healing techniques we offer fall into five main categories:

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Traditional Japanese Acupuncture (No-pain Acupuncture)

Our Japanese acupuncture is a system of treatment based on traditional acupuncture techniques with interpretations, in terms of medical science.

In contrast to regular acupuncture systems, whose needling techniques are simply needle insertion to the skin, our acupuncture employs various kinds of needling techniques with the foundation of medicine. It involves no-insertion needle techniques, gentle stroking motions, quick rotations, etc.

Our techniques are all about “no pain” with the best results. They do not only treat physical structures, such as muscles and joints but also regulate the entire function of the body and mind. They target the source of your health problems.

Many patients find treatments so relaxing, they fall asleep.

(to read more, click here)


Medical bodywork

A radical combination of Japanese healing arts as well as Japanese martial arts, our medical bodywork approaches the muscles, joints, and fascia in a highly effective way, improving discomfort and prolonging function. We will customize your treatment to your exact needs and ensure you experience genuine benefits.

(to read more, click here)

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Moxibustion is a therapy that consists of burning dried herbs, called mugwort, on particular points on the body. It stimulates and enhances the natural healing function and immune function of the body. It significantly speeds up healing from injuries and recovery from immune-compromised conditions.

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Shiatsu (Traditional Japanese bodywork)

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese therapeutic massage. It gives you deep relaxation and revives your vitality. It is best for you to live healthily and happily in a stressful life.


Japanese Herbal Medicine

Also known as Kampo medicine, this practice is widely used throughout Japan today. In fact, more than 90 percent of Japanese medical doctors use it in their practices. It has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine but has morphed into a more effective model that focuses on hands-on diagnosis. Treating symptoms at the source, it’s a powerful practice that we integrate with your treatment.


You can use your insurance if your plan covers "ACUPUNCTURE OUT OF NETWORK". Contact us if you have any questions.